About Us

At Harcourts Summerton, we are more than just a typical real estate company. We take pride in our position as industry leaders, employing cutting-edge technology and leveraging our international platform to present your property to the most qualified buyers.

Having been established in 1986, Harcourts Summerton has earned a reputation as a reputable and trustworthy agency. Our success lies in our well-defined strategies and systems, allowing us to create a distinctive marketing program tailored to attract high-quality buyers for your listing and maximize its value in the current market.

We adopt an innovative approach to sales and marketing, exploring all possible avenues and opportunities to secure the most favourable outcome for you. Our impressive track record speaks volumes about our ability to deliver an exceptional real estate experience of global standards. We firmly believe that you deserve nothing less.

Our Dedicated Agents

Our team of agents is second to none, embodying excellence on a global scale. They undergo comprehensive training, meticulous management, and continuous coaching under the guidance of their principal. Proficient in utilizing the latest technology and marketing techniques, our agents skilfully showcase their listings and establish effective communication with both buyers and sellers alike.

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